Leadership Greenwood

About the Program

Leadership Greenwood is a comprehensive year-long program designed for up-and-coming business leaders ages 25 to 40. The program fosters leadership development and community involvement through workshops, seminars, tours, team-building activities, and a class project.


The program begins in January of each year. Upcoming participants are introduced at the Leadership Graduation Ceremony in December and are given a schedule of their yearly activities at this time.


The cost to participate in this program is $765. This fee is not refundable once the applicant has begun the program. Fee covers the cost of the retreat, the DISC personality assessment and training, and other expenses incurred during the year, such as meals, materials, seminars, etc.


Complete the form below to apply for the upcoming Leadership Greenwood Program. The DEADLINE is November 15.


DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT….. Hear how great this program is FROM PARTICIPANTS! 

“Leadership Greenwood has provided me with information and exposure to resources in Greenwood I would have otherwise not received or known about despite growing up here.  These resources have helped me better understand both the inequities and the opportunities to generate ideas about how to support the obvious growth and improvement of the town I call home.” - Dr. Tamala Boyd Shaw, Delta Academies

“An awesome, one-of-a-kind MS Delta experience!  I am most appreciative of the new information  learned about our local community and those persons who took time out of their business schedules to meet with us.  Yet, the value in this experience for me are my peers.  They represent the best and brightest of Leflore County.  Our commonalities have allowed us to bond, but it is our differences and mutual respect for each other that have made us better people. Beth and the Greenwood Chamber, yall ROCK!: - Dr. Ro'Shaun Bailey, Mississippi Valley State University

Simsoc Cooking School Airport Tour

Thank you for your interest in our prestigious Leadership Greenwood program. Please complete and submit this form to apply for next year's program.